Hiring requires extra effort
Is your practice finding it hard to recruit and hire high-quality clinical and non-clinical employees? If so, you’re not alone; members of the College’s Practi…
Should allergy practices continue to enforce mask wearing?
As of April 6, 14 states have lifted all mask mandates and others require masks only in certain situations. This can leave allergy practices trying to enforce …
Does your practice need financial relief?
When the College surveyed allergists back in August 2020, many reported needing and receiving some type of financial assistance. The most popular program was t…
Keep patient payments flowing
Over the past year as COVID-19 has resulted in record job losses, the number of Medicaid and self-pay patients has soared. And high-deductible health plans con…
Mandatory COVID-19 vaccines?
With COVID-19 vaccines finally becoming available throughout the country, many allergy practices are wondering whether they can require employees to receive th…
Expanding your telemedicine practice to multiple states
Louisiana just became the 30th state to join the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact (IMLC), along with the District of Columbia and Guam. The IMLC provides a…
Boost revenue in the fourth quarter
Are you looking to encourage reluctant patients to come back to the office and boost your fourth quarter revenue?This is a great time to reach out to patients …
August College COVID-19 Survey Results – Part 2
How has COVID-19 affected allergy/immunology clinical services like spirometry, peanut OIT and testing for COVID-19? What are the challenges related to practic…
August COVID-19 College Survey Results
The College surveyed members in April about the impact of COVID-19 on their practices. Three months later, we were curious to see how things had changed. Were …
Spirometry during COVID-19
During COVID-19, one question the College has received more than any other is “What are allergists doing with regard to spirometry?” Our recent COVID member su…
COVID-19: Lessons learned from allergists
As the COVID-19 pandemic persists through the summer, allergy/immunology practices are adjusting to a new normal. Nine members of the Practice Management…
Lessons learned from allergists during COVID-19
After several months in pandemic mode, allergy/immunology practices are adjusting to a new normal. Below, nine members of the Practice Management Committ…
How to market your practice during COVID-19
COVID-19 marketing resourcesIt’s no secret patient volume dropped for many allergy practices due to COVID-19. In the College’s May COVID-19 member survey, 64% …
COVID-19’s impact on allergists’ clinical services and protocols
BackgroundHow has COVID-19 affected allergy/immunology clinical service volumes and protocols? We’ll review this data and provide a summary of respondent comme…
Insights on COVID-19 impact on allergists
BackgroundThe College conducted a survey of members in the United States to determine the impact of COVID-19 on their practices. The survey explored the impact…
Survival Tips for A/I Practices During COVID-19
COVID-19 is taking a financial toll on many allergy/immunology practices. College Advocacy Council and Practice Management Committee leaders developed the foll…
Prepare your practice for COVID-19
Is your practice prepared to care for a COVID-19 patient? Do you have protocols in place, have you trained your staff on them, and have you communicated them t…
Are you informed about informed consent?
Pop quiz: what is informed consent, when is it required for allergy practices, and how exactly should it be done? Some physicians and practices have adopted a …
Trying to reach your patients?
Is your allergy practice still using phone calls for appointment reminders to advise patients of schedule changes, to discuss insurance verification and paymen…
Will You Be Paid by Medicare On Jan. 1?
Starting Jan. 1, if you do not use Medicare’s new Medicare Beneficiary Identifiers (MBIs) on Medicare claims, you will not be paid. Regardless of the date of s…