Should all 5- to 11-year-olds be vaccinated for COVID? Maybe yes, maybe no
I am a big believer in vaccines. I have taken all the vaccines suggested for my age. As I have written here recently, I took the booster of the Pfizer COVID-19…
Challenge accepted!
Late next week, many of us will be gathering for the ACAAI 2021 Annual Meeting. Whether you are attending in New Orleans or taking part via our Livestream Prog…
Managing staffing issues
Staffing issues have challenged allergy practices during the past year, and they continue to top the list of concerns for medical practices as they approach 20…
College Advantage: Fall 2021
Get the practical takeaways you're looking for at the 2021 ACAAI Annual Scientific Meeting.
Apply for grant opportunity
The College has partnered with Pfizer on an exciting grant opportunity to improve the ability of allergy practitioners to manage moderate to severe atopic derm…
Attending the 2021 Annual Meeting in New Orleans?
The City of New Orleans is ready to welcome our attendees to the ACAAI Annual Scientific Meeting, Nov. 4 - 8. COVID-19 vaccination rates in the city are very g…
October is Eczema Awareness Month
During Eczema Awareness Month, the College is highlighting our educational, practice management and patient resources on atopic dermatitis. October is a great …
Get an autumn boost
As people look for relief from fall allergy symptoms, now is a great time to promote your services as an allergist. Download our fall resources to increase you…
Tomorrow is National Penicillin Allergy Day
Allergists often have to dispel quite a few myths or mistruths the public believes to be true about allergy-related conditions. One area is penicillin allergy.…
CDC approves booster shot recommendations for Pfizer vaccine
Last Friday morning, Center for Disease Control and Protection (CDC) Director Rochelle P. Walensky, MD, MPH, endorsed the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunizatio…
Register Now for the ACAAI 2021 Annual Scientific Meeting
Register for the 2021 Annual Meeting in New Orleans, Nov. 4-8!
FDA panel votes on COVID-19 booster vaccines
Last Friday, Sept. 17, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) held a meeting of its Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, in part to dis…
Everything you need to know about 2021-2022 flu vaccines
Influenza vaccines are now available for the 2021-2022 season. Here’s what you need to know: All flu vaccines this year are quadrivalent and are designed to p…
I got a COVID-19 Vaccine Booster; I am not immunocompromised
In mid-August, I walked into a Fulton County, Georgia, health department site giving COVID-19 vaccines near my house. I told them it was my first vaccine, gave…
New Website Spotlights Unique Differences of Eczema in People of Color
In a mutual commitment to address disparities in treating eczema in skin of color, the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) and the Aller…
Help ease back-to-school issues
Ragweed season is the time of year many of your patients may dread, and it’s likely your patients are seeking relief from their itchy eyes, runny noses and oth…
What does it take to get a new CPT code approved?
Some members have asked the College why certain services don’t have specific CPT codes.Category 1 CPT codes are five-digit numeric codes that identify a proced…
Spotlight on Infectious Diseases & International Travel Committee
The College’s Infectious Diseases and International Travel Committee, chaired by Kathryn Convers, MD, FACAAI, has been working on a retrospective study on infl…
Engaging Committees
You may have seen Dr. Fonacier’s recent College Insider article, Vision Forward: Working on the future, where she outlines some of the College’s strategic prio…
Your leadership’s decisions
The following are key actions taken by the ACAAI Board of Regents during its May 15 meeting and the Executive Committee during its July 19 meeting. Ratified t…