
Advocacy Resources

  • From the desk of the EMD: Back to the future


    I hope that you saw the Summer 2017 issue of the College Advantage and specifically the article entitled “A Glimpse into the Future.”  The article contained pr…

  • Claim your CME credit now!


    We’ve closed the books on another great ACAAI Annual Meeting, but if you still haven’t claimed your CME credit, it’s not too late.For your convenience, ACAAI i…

  • Connect with other allergists to prevent burnout


    According to a recent article in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings, more than half of U.S. physicians are now experiencing professional burnout. Of the U.S. physicia…

  • Latest food allergy research


    Two research studies highlighted at the Annual Meeting unveiled important new information for allergists. Both studies stemmed from a national survey conducted…

  • Is it finally a brave new world?


    For years, allergists were assured that changes in health care delivery would revolutionize the way they practiced medicine. Have predictions fulfilled their e…

  • A world of precision medicine


    As we celebrated 75 years of excellence during the Annual Meeting, we also looked to the future. Predicting the future can be a precarious task that often turn…

  • Committee in the spotlight: Practice Management

    The Practice Management Committee is a great example of what can be accomplished by a committee when its volunteer members and staff work together collaborativ…

  • Your questions answered – Fall 2017

    The College has gone through a lot of changes under Vision 2020 to better serve practicing allergists, and we recognize the importance of involving our committ…

  • Practice resources tailored to your needs

    As health care continues to evolve, it can be challenging to keep up with all the changes. That’s why the College has taken great strides to develop practice m…

  • Executive Committee decisions

    Following are key actions taken by the Executive Committee during its Jul. 17 and Sep. 5 teleconferences. Ratified the President’s decision to issue…
