
Your questions answered

February 27, 2019

Your questions answered

We asked Michael Blaiss, MD, FACAAI, executive medical director, to comment on how committee members can grow with the organization and step into positions of leadership.

Q: What are some of the opportunities for leadership-level involvement with the College?

The College offers many opportunities for members to move up to leadership roles. Chairs and vice chairs of our committees are now an integral part of the College’s leadership, with our new emphasis on projects starting at the committee level. Applying for a position on our Board of Regents, to take an active role in guiding the College into the future, is something all Fellows should consider. Lastly, let the College know your interests outside of being a committee member. Send me an email if you’d like to talk it over, as there are always important projects where we need the extra help.

Q: What do you see as good pathways to leadership for members who are relatively new to serving the College?

The first step is to become an active committee member, being proactive and claiming ownership of projects and activities. Another way to get involved is through the House of Delegates, representing your local allergy society – contact your Super Delegate. If you’re interested in advocacy, practice management issues, coding, billing, please contact Jim Sublett, MD, executive director of Advocacy & Governmental Affairs, or me to discuss ways to become an active member of the Advocacy Council.

Q: What advice would you give to an early-career member who wants to be more involved?

The College hosts an annual Leadership Summit in Chicago. It is one and a half days of extensive training designed to develop effective leadership skills. This course prepares members to become leaders in the College and in their professional positions. Nearly all past participants have moved into committee roles and other important positions. This activity is a great first step for early-career members to launch into working for our specialty through the College.

Need more insights? Feel free to email Dr. Blaiss with any additional questions.
