Billing for biological products
The Advocacy Council recently learned of a number of payer audits and recoupment requests related to Xolair billing - when a portion of the vial must be discar…
New prolonged service CPT code for 2021
Beginning in 2021, there will be a new code for reporting prolonged services together with an office visit. The new code, CPT Code 99417, replaces CPT Codes 99…
New Principal Care Management CPT Codes
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has approved two new Principal Care Management (PCM) CPT codes for 2020 that may apply to allergists treat…
More on modifier -25 denials
In a recent Insider article, we discussed how some payers are denying claims for evaluation and management (E/M) services submitted on the same day as a proced…
Insurance denials for claims submitted with modifier -25
When physicians provide an evaluation and management (E/M) service on the same day as a procedure or test, they need to use modifier -25 to indicate that the E…
Food OIT is here – how do I get paid?
The Advocacy Council regularly receives queries from members on how to correctly code specific scenarios. Recently we received a request for assistance from a …
Correct coding for the administration of Xolair
The Advocacy Council regularly receives queries from members on how to correctly code specific scenarios. Recently we received a request for assistance from a …
Patient-centered Asthma Care Payment
ACAAI developed and submitted this APM for patient-centered asthma care.
Is it rush or cluster immunotherapy?
The Advocacy Council regularly receives queries from members on how to correctly code specific scenarios. Recently we received a request for assistance from a …
Administrating biologics – which code to use
The Advocacy Council regularly receives queries from members on how to correctly code specific scenarios. Recently we received a request for assistance from a …
Physician Focused Payment Models
The AC recommends that HHS fully embrace PFPMs.
Coding for food allergy testing
The Advocacy Council regularly receives queries from members on how to correctly code specific scenarios. Recently we received a request for assistance from a …
Mutually exclusive ICD-10 codes
The Advocacy Council regularly receives queries from members on how to correctly code specific scenarios. Recently we received requests for assistance from two…
What’s the correct code for…?
The College’s Advocacy Council has partnered with Optum 360 products to offer our members coding books at discounted prices. We recommend updating your coding …
What are the codes for SLIT? We’ve got it!
The Advocacy Council often gets questions from College members wondering what the correct codes for SLIT are. Luckily, we’ve got the answers!What are the…
Billing for venom testing and immunotherapy
As we noted in last week’s Insider, there continues to be concerns about pricing and adequate availability of venoms for testing and treatment. We also u…
How many MUE’s can be billed in a day?
Both Medicare and Medicaid have national “medically unlikely edits” (MUEs) in place that are designed to automatically deny claims that exceed specific daily l…
What you need to know now about new Medicare cards
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is removing Social Security Numbers (SSN) from Medicare cards to prevent fraud and fight identity theft.…
Reducing Regulatory Burdens
The Advocacy Council sent a letter to CMS on July 12, 2017 in support of reducing regulatory burdens on practices.
2018 Physician Fee Schedule
The Advocacy Council submitted comments to CMS on Sept. 11, 2017 about issues important to allergists on the proposed 2018 Physician Fee Schedule.