The College’s Vision Forward plan gives us a roadmap to further elevate our profile, enhance our offerings, engage our members and educate the public about the specialty of allergy and immunology.
In 2024, we are focusing on the following key areas:
- Advocate on critical issues that impact allergists and their patients.
- Refine and expand practice management and educational offerings based on evolving member needs.
- Continue to raise awareness about the specialized expertise of allergists and immunologists.
- Strengthen community and academic allergists’ partnerships in education and research.
- Ensure diversity at all levels of the organization.
- Fortify pathways to leadership for emerging leaders.
As Executive Medical Director for the College, Todd Mahr, MD, FACAAI, works closely with the Board of Regents, councils, committees, task forces and other stakeholders within the organization on the implementation of Vision Forward. We’ve asked him to share his thoughts about the plan’s implementation.
- What excites you most about what we have planned for 2024?
I would say I am most excited about the fact that Vision Forward is really a “member-value focused” plan. We were mindful of our members’ needs and insights gained from our membership survey when shaping the goals and strategies. It was important for us to ensure the ACAAI membership was front and center in all we have set out to do. - How can individual members of committees contribute to the successful implementation of the College’s strategic priorities?
Most importantly, get familiar with the goals and strategies! When brainstorming projects with your committee, think of how you can align your work with our strategic priorities. Consider the major issues allergists are facing today and what your committee can do to help address them. Is there a need for new or updated information on our patient website? Can your committee develop a webinar, educational module or PPT slide deck on a topic of importance to our members? Is there a toolkit or another online resource on the member website that needs updating? We will be asking committees for their 2025 budget requests in June, which is an opportune time to share your ideas so they can be considered for funding. Remember, if it is important to you, it is important to the College!
Vision Forward is a “living” document that is being refined from year to year, to ensure the College stays responsive to our members’ needs. If you or your committees have ideas you would like to see implemented, please get in touch with us. And if you haven’t done so already, be sure to participate in the College’s biennial membership survey!