
Your questions answered

February 25, 2020

Your questions answered

We asked Michael Blaiss, MD, FACAAI, executive medical director, to comment on the recent member survey and how the College is using this information to plan its work.

Q: Members were recently asked to participate in a member survey to help guide the College’s future direction. How exactly will the survey results be used?

The results of this survey will be vital in shaping the direction and priorities of the College for the next few years. Hearing from the voice of the membership is crucial in making sure that the projects and goals for 2021-2023 are in line with the needs of the practicing allergist. The survey results are used as a blueprint for building the future of the College.

Q: What role will committees play in shaping the 2021-2023 strategic plan and its implementation?

A major goal of the College with Vision 2020 was the empowerment of the committees. With our new strategic initiative, the committees will have significant input into what ideas should be developed related to their committee. In the past, strategic plan elements were developed by a small group. Now with a “bottom-up” approach, each committee will have a key say in proposals and their execution in the College strategic plan.

Q: What advice would you give to committee members who want to play a more active role in moving the College forward?

The College is only as strong as its members and committees. It is up to you to move your committee forward and develop new proposals and projects which will benefit the membership. The College leadership, staff, and I are here to help you in these pursuits and look very positively at committee requests. If you have a great idea, bring it to your committee chair and vice chair to move it up the line to the Council and Board of Regents. If you think it is valuable, then most likely other practicing allergists would find it valuable, too.

Need more insights? Feel free to email Dr. Blaiss with additional questions.
