With the rollout of two vaccines in the last two weeks to combat COVID-19, the College has entered the media conversation in significant ways and has addressed public concerns regarding allergic reactions. College spokespersons, as well as timely guidance released by the College, were quoted in top-tier publications, gaining reach and recognition for the expert advice offered by allergists. A sample of the coverage is below, with links to each of the articles. As the vaccine campaign continues, we anticipate more media queries, and more media coverage of the College’s unique guidance efforts.
New York Times (150 million unique visitors)
Here’s what people with allergies should know about COVID vaccines
Sources: ACAAI, College website
Wall Street Journal (42 million unique visitors)
COVID-19 vaccine advice leaves some people with allergies in limbo (WSJ is subscription-based, so link is to the WSJ story on a different site.)
Sources: Niraj Patel, MD, ACAAI COVID-19 Task Force
US News (35 million unique visitors + Drugs.com, 27 million unique visitors)
Allergists’ group offers advice on Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine
Sources: ACAAI COVID-19 Task Force
Newsweek (31 million unique visitors + MSN, 1.4 billion unique visitors)
Is COVID vaccine safe for the millions of Americans who use Epipens?
Sources: Niraj Patel, MD, ACAAI COVID-19 Task Force
Forbes (72 million unique visitors)
Sources: ACAAI, College website
Newsweek (31 million unique visitors + MSN, 1.4 billion unique visitors)
Can people with peanut allergies get the COVID vaccine?
Sources: ACAAI
US News (35 million unique visitors)
Allergists’ group updates guidelines on COVID-19 vaccines
Sources: ACAAI COVID-19 Task Force