
Tips on diving back into committee work

| July 1, 2024

Tips on diving back into committee work

Have you taken a break from committee work but are now ready to contribute? There is still time and ample opportunities for your involvement! Here are a few tips to help you dive back in:

  • Contact your chair or staff liaison to see what you’ve missed and how you can get involved. You can view a complete list of current members via the College’s committee directory.
  • See what’s been posted to Basecamp. You can view past discussions to get a sense of what the committee is working on. It’s also the quickest way to communicate with your committee. See the getting started guide if you need a refresher on how to access the site and post messages.
  • Attend all committee meetings. Whether you meet in person, over the phone or online, make an effort to be there. Some committees will be meeting in Boston during the College’s Annual Meeting. Check with your chair or staff liaison if a meeting has been scheduled for your committee.
  • Propose a new project and/or share your insights to expand the conversation. Speak up and make sure your voice is heard when meeting with others on your committee. Regardless of your level of expertise or position in your career, don’t hesitate to offer your unique perspective. The College is currently seeking proposals for projects to be funded in 2025. If you have a project idea, share it with your committee chair by July 8 so it can be considered for funding! Be sure to read the Q & A with Dr. Mahr to get his tips on how to make the proposal successful.
  • Be proactive and take the lead on a project. Offer to take on a task that relates to your expertise or challenges you to learn something new. If you’re limited on time or can only take on part of the project, see if someone else on the committee can share some of the work with you. You can always ask for help in Basecamp.

While we are midway through 2024, it’s not too late to “hit the reset button” and take a more active role on your committee! Your chair and staff liaison are there to offer additional suggestions on how you can contribute.

We also encourage you to attend the committee member orientation on Oct. 1, hosted by Todd Mahr, MD, FACAAI, executive medical director.  Dr. Mahr will give an overview of the College’s strategic priorities under Vision Forward and share his suggestions for meaningful engagement in your committee’s work. You will also have ample opportunities to ask questions.

Need to check when your term ends or if you’ve been invited to serve on a new committee? Visit your member profile and click on the “committees” tab.

