Just the facts on penicillin allergy
This quick-reference sheet with key information about penicillin allergy can be given to third-party payers, primary care physicians, and others.
Patient Flyer – Facts about penicillin allergy
This factsheet provides a patient-friendly overview of the facts about penicillin allergy. Remember to customize it with your practice information!
Patient flyer – FAQs about penicillin allergy
This factsheet for your patients, which can be customized with your practice information, covers 14 frequently-asked questions about penicillin allergy.
Patient flyer – Why should I get tested for penicillin allergy?
Customize this factsheet with your practice information and use it to help your patients understand the benefits of getting tested to determine whether they're…
Patient Flyer – Control Your Severe Asthma
Give this flyer to patients to encourage them to use the online shared decision-making tool and bring the results back to you to continue the treatment convers…
Patient Flyer – Help Your Child Control Their Severe Asthma
Give this flyer to parents to encourage them to use the online shared decision-making tool and bring the results back to you to continue the treatment conversa…
Patient Flyer – Controlling Your Eczema
Give this flyer to your patient to encourage them to use the online shared decision-making tool and bring the results back to you to continue the treatment con…
ACAAI/AAAAI statement of support for the ATS guideline on the interpretation of FeNO
Use this statement of support in combination with the ATS guideline for the interpretation of FeNO to help justify the use of FeNO for patients with asthma.
Common Allergy and Immunology CPT Codes
Download this cheatsheet of common CPT codes for your everyday use.
Standing Order Form for Undesignated Epinephrine Auto-injectors
Use this form to provide a standing order for the administration of undesignated epinephrine auto-injectors by designated medical and school personnel for pote…
Prescription Form for Undesignated Epinephrine Auto-injectors
Use this form to provide a prescription for undesignated epinephrine auto-injectors for school use.
Office of Inspector General (OIG) Resource Guide: Measuring Compliance Program Effectiveness
Use this comprehensive list of compliance program metrics to select metrics to measure your practice’s compliance.
OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard
OSHA’s requirements to protect workers who are occupationally exposed to blood or other potentially infectious materials.
Anaphylaxis Preparedness Questionnaire
A questionnaire for patients to help them determine how prepared they are for an anaphylactic emergency. Click “login” in the upper right corner of the CLC to …
Allergist Messaging Guide
Use this guide for specific messaging on the importance and relevance of allergists, the value of allergist care and guidelines for referral.
Allergist Branding Guidelines
Use these guidelines to ensure proper usage of the allergist logo and tagline as well as font sizes and colors.
Patient Flyer – Moving the Immunotherapy Conversation Along
Give this flyer to your patient to encourage them to use the online SDM tool and bring the results back to you to continue the immunotherapy conversation.