Allergen Immunotherapy Extract Preparation Instruction Guide
Our instruction guide will help guide you through the steps and requirements of allergen extract mixing and keep you in compliance with USP 797.
Gloved Fingertip & Thumb Sampling
Use this form to document proper procedure for gloved fingertip & thumb sampling.
All About Peanut OIT – Patient Flyer
Print out this informational flyer for your patients, including a QR code directing them to the microsite.
Biologics at a Glance Cheat Sheet
This customizable summary provides basic info for common A/I biologics, including pharmacology, indications, doses and more. Print a copy for staff and provide…
Chronic Rhinosinusitis with Nasal Polyps SDM PDF
This printable shared decision-making tool is designed for patients to use with their physicians to help decide which treatments are best for their chronic rhi…
Key telehealth learnings from COVID-19 and recommendations for moving forward
Telemedicine is here to stay, so take some time to review your telemedicine workflow, technology andexperience and make needed changes for the future.
AMA (Part 2): How do I comply with info blocking and where do I start?
Doing what is best for the patient should always be front and center. Physicians have a responsibility toprovide for the delivery of high-quality and safe pati…
AMA (Part 1): What is information blocking?
Information blocking (info blocking) can occur in many forms. Physicians can experience info blocking whentrying to access patient records from other providers…
Advice From Your Allergist Factsheet – Rhinitis Diagnosis and Treatment
Share this handout with your patients to provide information on rhinitis causes and how to treat symptoms.
Treating Chronic Rhinosinusitis with Nasal Polyps
This printable shared decision-making tool is designed for patients to use with their physicians to help decide what treatments are best for their chronic rhin…
Checklist for Communicating with Patients About Resuming Visits During COVID-19
This checklist serves as a tool to help practices prepare their communications pieces for patients returning to the office for exams and treatments as restrict…
Find an Allergist, Find Relief factsheet
Share this FAQ with your patients, on social media or as part of a virtual presentation to show why allergists are the asthma and allergy experts.
FAQ for Educators on Allergists, Allergies and Asthma
Share this FAQ sheet with educators in your community to help them understand how they can help their students with allergies and asthma.
FAQ for Patients on Allergists, Allergies and Asthma
Share this FAQ with your patients, on social media or as part of a virtual presentation to help answer the question "Why should I see an allergist?"
Asthma life quality test
This simple questionnaire is designed to help the respondent identify how well-controlled their asthma is, and whether an allergist could help them feel better.
Advice From Your Allergist Factsheet – How to Perform Nasal Irrigation
Share this handout with your patients to provide information on how to do nasal irrigation.
Advice From Your Allergist Factsheet – How to Use Nasal Sprays
Share this handout with your patients to provide information on how to use nasal sprays.
PDF: Peanut OIT Shared Decision-Making Tool
Provide this PDF to parents of children with a peanut allergy to help them decide, with you, whether peanut OIT might be appropriate. The pdf can be customized…
Complaints/Adverse Events
Use this form to document adverse events and the actions taken in response.