
Register now for big savings!

| | September 12, 2022

Register now for big savings!

Register for the 2022 ACAAI Annual Scientific Meeting today to get the lowest registration rate! Sign up for a hands-on workshop, and you’ll leave ready to implement what you’ve learned into your practice.

Facilitated SQ Immunoglobulin Infusion
Friday, Nov. 11, 8:00 – 9:30 AM
Clinicians frequently prescribe gamma globulins for antibody deficiencies but may not be very familiar with the administration of immunoglobulins. Attend this workshop for instruction on administration of intravenous SQ to learn the best product for each patient.

The Use of Case Simulation for the Education of Allergy Emergencies – Spotlight on Anaphylaxis
Friday, Nov. 11, 1:00 – 2:30 pm
3:00 – 4:30 pm (Allied Health Program)
Learn to identify and treat infantile and adult anaphylaxis. You’ll gain first-hand knowledge of the use of simulation for office drills/preparedness of systemic reactions/anaphylaxis in allergy practices. Each attendee will utilize simulators for both an adult and pediatric encounter.

Making the Cut: Punch versus Shave Biopsy
Saturday, Nov. 12, 10:00 – 11:30 am
Learn how and when to perform punch and shave biopsies. You’ll be instructed on technique, procedural coding, choosing appropriate patients, and selection of lesion and site for the highest diagnostic yield. Get a review of materials and transport media and how to interpret the report from the dermatopathologist to help aid in diagnosing and treating patients.

Patch Testing 101: Basics of Patch Testing
Saturday, Nov. 12, 1:00 – 2:30 pm
Learn the basics of patch testing – which patient to patch test, applying a patch test, contraindications and precautions and the interpretation of results.

End Game: Calling All Patch Test Experts
Saturday, Nov. 12, 3:00 – 4:30 pm
For those who regularly patch test looking to expand their patch testing practice, this workshop is for you! Get hands-on experience on patch testing to occupational materials, metal and bone cements used in biomedical devices, and the use of expanded specialized patch test series including children and the elderly.

Performing a Rhinolaryngologic Exam
Sunday, Nov. 13, 3:00 – 4:30 pm
After a video presentation of a fiberoptic rhinolaryngologic exam of the upper airway, participants will have the opportunity to become familiar with a rhinoscope and perform an exam on a manikin.
