At the beginning of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE), CMS used emergency waiver authorities to enable flexibilities so providers could rapidly respond to people impacted by COVID-19. Most waivers and flexibilities will terminate at the conclusion of the PHE, and several have already been terminated.
CMS is now encouraging health care providers to prepare for the eventual end of COVID-19 PHE flexibilities and to begin reestablishing previous health and safety standards and billing practices. To that end, CMS has released fact sheets to help the health care sector transition to operations once the PHE ends. The Physicians and Other Clinicians fact sheet summarizes the current status of Medicare blanket waivers and flexibilities for clinicians, including which COVID PHE waivers and flexibilities have already been terminated, have been made permanent, or will end at the conclusion of the PHE.
As a reminder, HHS recently issued guidance clarifying the HIPAA rules covering the use of remote communication technologies for audio-only telehealth services after the conclusion of the PHE. The College’s recent Advocacy Insider article summarizes that guidance.
HHS has reiterated its promise to provide a 60-day notice prior to ending the PHE. The College expects HHS to renew the COVID-19 PHE in mid-October, since the 60-day notice period passed with no word from the Department. If HHS does renew the PHE, it is expected to be in effect through at least mid-January of 2023.