
Community and Academic Allergists Partnership in Education and Research

Program Overview

The College is implementing a new initiative in 2025, the Community and Academic Partnership in Education and Research (CA²PER) program, to encourage collaboration in clinical research.

Building on the success of the CAPE program, launched by Kathleen May, MD, FACAAI, 2023-2024 ACAAI President, to foster partnerships in education, CA²PER will bring together academic and community allergists to conduct practice-based translational research.  

We will be awarding a total of $100,000 in grant support in 2025 for projects that align with the scope of research described in the Funding Opportunity Notice. We encourage all College members to consider this important opportunity and submit a Letter of Intent.

Below are key dates, eligibility criteria and resources to help strengthen your application.

Grant Application Timeline

  • Letter of Intent Deadline: Dec. 1, 2024
  • Pre-selected Applicant Notifications: Dec. 16, 2024
  • Full Proposal Deadline: Jan. 31, 2025
  • Award Notifications: Feb. 28, 2025

Listen to a special message from ACAAI President Gailen D. Marshall, Jr., MD, PhD, FACAAI

Program Overview

The College is implementing a new initiative in 2025, the Community and Academic Partnership in Education and Research (CA²PER) program, to encourage collaboration in clinical research.

Building on the success of the CAPE program, launched by Kathleen May, MD, FACAAI, 2023-2024 ACAAI President, to foster partnerships in education, CA²PER will bring together academic and community allergists to conduct practice-based translational research.  

We will be awarding a total of $100,000 in grant support in 2025 for projects that align with the scope of research described in the Funding Opportunity Notice. We encourage all College members to consider this important opportunity and submit a Letter of Intent.

Below are key dates, eligibility criteria and resources to help strengthen your application.

Grant Application Timeline

  • Letter of Intent Deadline:
    Dec. 1, 2024
  • Pre-selected Applicant Notifications: Dec. 16, 2024
  • Full Proposal Deadline:
    Jan. 31, 2025
  • Award Notifications: Feb. 28, 2025

Listen to a special message from ACAAI President Gailen D. Marshall, Jr., MD, PhD, FACAAI


Applicants must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • ACAAI Membership: The Principal Investigators (PIs) must be members of the College in good standing and reside/practice in the US or Canada. Fellows-in-Training cannot serve as PIs but are encouraged to be part of the research team.
  • MPI Model: Research teams must consist of at least one academic allergist PI and one private/community practice allergist PI. You will be asked to provide NIH-style biosketches for your PIs with your LOI and if selected for the full proposal, biosketches for your key investigators.

NOTE: The academic PI must have a faculty (teaching/research) appointment at an academic institution and dedicate at least 80% of their time to activities in an academic setting. The private practice PI must dedicate 80% of their time to clinical activities in a private/community practice setting. Both PIs must contribute at least 10% of their time for the oversight of the project.

Partnership Requirements

A crucial component of a successful CA2PER research project is having a strong partnership between academic and community-based allergists. Below is what will be expected of teams selected to be part of the program. 

  • Equal collaboration: A full commitment by the principal investigators (at least one academic and one community-based) who will collaborate equally in directing the research project and share credit.
  • Rotating responsibilities: Duties can be rotated, but the PIs will remain equal partners.
  • Shared tasks: PIs will share tasks such as experimental design, resource allocation, supervision of staff, financial management, data sharing, and timely submission of publications.
  • Co-presentation and co-publication: PIs agree to co-present and co-publish the research. Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology will be given first right of refusal to publish the research findings.
  • Investigative goals: PIs will participate in composing and delivering the investigative goals that are consistent with CA²PER and Good Clinical Practice guidelines (see the Resources section below for additional information).
  • Regular communication: Frequent and consistent communication should be maintained between the PIs to keep the project on track.
  • Administrative Contact: Each grantee will need to designate an administrative contact who will manage all communications between the College, PIs, research teams and participating organizations (e.g., university pre-/post-award office and the community A/I practice).


Clinical Research: Is It Right for You? Learn whether implementing a clinical research program is a good fit for your practice. This 15-minute educational module covers:

  • The pros and cons of implementing a clinical research program in private practice
  • What you need to get started
  • Considerations when choosing a clinical research study

Grant Writing 101: Writing A Strong Application Get the basics of how you can prepare a strong application. This 17-min PPT presentation will help you to:

  • Make a compelling case for your project idea
  • Meet the grant review criteria
  • Assemble your project team
  • Develop your budget
  • Avoid common mistakes

CA2PER Symposium

If you will be in Boston for the College’s Annual Scientific Meeting, be sure to join us for the CA2PER Symposium on Saturday, Oct. 26 at 3:00 pm in Room 302 at the Hynes Convention Center. Get a sneak peak of what will be covered during the symposium by viewing the pre-recorded (short preview) presentations on the following key topics:

U.S. Law & Regulations on Good Clinical Practice (External Resource) Learn what investigators who conduct clinical studies need to know to comply with U.S. law and regulations covering good clinical practice.

How to Apply

If you believe your project is a good fit for the CA2PER program, be sure to submit a Letter of Intent no later than December 1, 2024. LOIs submitted after the deadline will NOT be considered. 

Questions? Contact Katerina Barcal, MPH, ACAAI Associate Executive Director.
