
Find out how your compensation and practice revenue and expenses compare with other allergists

| January 3, 2025

Find out how your compensation and practice revenue and expenses compare with other allergists

The College is thrilled to partner with the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) for the ninth consecutive year to collect allergy-specific compensation and practice financial data! Complete the 2025 Data Collection (formerly known as Survey Participation) and find out how your compensation and wRVUs compared to other allergists in 2024. Plus, get free allergy practice financial data if you upload your financial data to MGMA. Best of all? Our new and improved data collection process drastically reduces your participation time! Data Collection closes Feb. 21.

But don’t take our word for it! “The process was very easy.  I downloaded a couple of reports from Quickbooks, removed the physician’s name from the report, and uploaded the reports to MGMA,” said Jean Owen, MBA, vice chair of the Practice Management Committee.

Want more reasons to participate?

  • You’ll get free access to the compensation results, with breakouts for academic and non-academic allergists! Find out how other allergists are compensated and get valuable allergy RVU data. The more data you provide, the more data you’ll have access to!
  • It’s the most accurate allergy compensation data available! Last year we collected data from more than 600 allergists.
  • Survey participation no longer requires manual data entry! With the new data automation process, simply upload your system reports in any Excel file format.
  • Upload just a couple extra reports to participate in the Financial Data Collection, too. You’ll get Allergy Practice Revenue and Expense data for free!
  • It’s confidential. No College staff or members have access. MGMA will never release any information that could identify a participant or practice.
  • Answers to your survey questions are only a phone call away. MGMA provides one-on-one help – just call 877-275-6462, ext. 1895, or email Or schedule a one-on-one meeting with an MGMA data analyst.

Getting started


  • Participating is now a simple four-step process and drastically reduces your data collection time.
    Step 1: Complete or review your Practice Demographics.
    Step 2: Gather and upload data files.
    Step 3: Match your file headers to the MGMA survey headers. (MGMA’s system will automatically match your headers, but you need to confirm they are correct.)
    Step 4: Review data for any missing information.
  • If you prefer to participate the old way, by entering data in a template, that’s an option, too.
  • Be sure to upload both Compensation/Payroll data and Financial Operations data.  Help our specialty collect this important data – and help your practice by getting free benchmark data in return.
