
The Allergists’ Foundation Community Grant Program

The Allergists’ Foundation is focusing its programming on empowering community practicing allergists on the front lines of patient care.

We are funding innovative projects that address barriers to asthma and allergy care, particularly in underserved populations.

Awards are given annually to active members of the College* to support projects that address challenges faced by communities served by practicing allergists. Grants are  awarded in the following two categories:

  1. Planning/exploratory projects (up to $10,000 for 12 months) to address issues that have not been fully explored, for which we need data gathering.
  2. Implementation grants (up to $25,000 for 12-24 months) for projects in which preliminary data has been gathered and initial planning has taken place. This will help take the work to the “next level.”

*All active ACAAI physician members in the United States and Canada, including Fellows-in-Training in accredited programs, are eligible to apply. Special consideration is given to physicians in early stages of their careers (in training or within 10 years of practice).

See how our Community Grant recipients are addressing important needs in their communities.

How to Apply

The application deadline for the 2024 grant cycle has already passed. Look for the next Funding Opportunity Announcement in November/December or contact us to learn more.
