The College’s House of Delegates (HOD) actively serves as the eyes and ears at local, state, and regional levels – to keep the College informed of what is affecting you – the practicing allergist. The House of Delegates draws its strength from its College State Delegates and regional Super Delegates. We need you to join our nationwide grassroots network as the conduit between the College and allergists throughout the country!
State Delegates
College State Delegates serve as the main points of contact in each state. They work closely with local and state societies to identify and address policy issues and/or legislation before they adversely impact the specialty. The College is recruiting members to fill those positions in states where there are vacancies (see the box below). The State Delegate job description provides more information.

2024 Call for State Delegates
Alabama, California, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Maryland, Minnesota, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia and Wyoming.
Our previous delegate campaigns have resulted in 30 State Delegate representatives. If you live and practice in one of the states listed above, you can help us complete our nationwide network! Any College member in good standing can apply to become a State Delegate.
Super Delegates
Super Delegates lead six regional areas of the United States and serve as liaisons between the states in their regions and College leadership. They build rapport with legislators, lobbyists, allergists, and member societies in their regions. As part of this nationwide advocacy network, Super Delegates work to shape the profession and policies that improve patient outcomes.
We need Super Delegates for the New England Region (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont) and the West Coast Region (Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington). A more detailed Super Delegate job description and Super Delegate application are also available.
Allergists who serve in either of these positions become the voice for their communities, colleagues, patients, and the specialty. While priorities and activities may vary throughout the year, you can expect to dedicate one to two hours per month to this effort. Learn more about this exciting opportunity and apply now through Feb. 29 to represent your allergy community.