We asked the College’s Executive Medical Director about the unique contributions of older and younger members in committee work.
Q. We are seeing more age diversity among members who volunteer to serve on the College’s committees. Can you comment on the unique contributions our younger members, including Fellows-in-Training, can bring to committee work?
A. It is nice to see the fresh perspectives young members bring to the table. We can sometimes be limited in our thinking – always looking at things the same way, and it is refreshing to have other perspectives that challenge us to look at things differently!
Q. What about valuable contributions from those who are retired or in the late stages of their careers?
A. There is a great deal of wisdom that comes with time and learned experience. Having that “institutional memory,” so to speak, is helpful in understanding why certain ideas have or have not worked well in the past. Having these words of wisdom does not mean it should trump the discussion, but it should be listened to and taken into consideration.
Q. How do you see the different generations working together?
A. It is always best to have an open dialogue with everyone respecting each other’s opinions, concerns and inquiries. Much like younger members should value the older members’ past experiences, the older members who want things to improve should listen to the thoughts and questions from the younger members. Ideally, there is a nice balance in perspectives and mutual respect that moves a committee’s work forward and makes it exciting and rewarding for all its members.