
Your questions answered

| June 24, 2020

Your questions answered

We asked Michael Blaiss, MD, FACAAI, executive medical director, to comment on active committee participation for younger allergists and how committees can contribute amid the pandemic.

Q. How can young allergists take a more active role in the College?

A. The College is every allergist’s home, and for the College to grow, all its members need to take a role. Young allergists, through their committee appointments, can take the lead in proposing projects and steering them through completion. The College leadership is very receptive to exciting new programs. Think outside the box. If it would help you in the practice of allergy, it is most likely important to all allergists. If you have an idea for a project, contact your committee chair. I am happy to discuss any project with you, too.

Q. Are there new ways for committees to contribute amid the pandemic?

A. Think about how COVID-19 is affecting your committee’s therapeutic, educational, or advocacy subject matter. Does this lead to a project that your committee can do to improve the practicing allergist related to the pandemic? If so, discuss with your committee chair. College leadership is working hard to help all of us during these unprecedented times, but more projects are needed from all members. We are all in this crisis together.
