The following are key actions taken by the ACAAI Board of Regents and Executive Committee at recent meetings.
- Authorized the 2024 joint AAAAI/ACAAI Board Certification Review Course to be held as a virtual program.
- Accepted the preliminary Financial Statements for the period ending 3/31/2023.
- Requested the Food Allergy Committee to: 1) review the FDA’s April 3 response to the joint ACAAAI/AAAAI letter pertaining to the recent FDA safety communication requiring a warning about anaphylaxis following false negative food allergen skin test results in the prescribing information for all allergenic extracts for diagnosis of food allergy; and 2) develop additional guidance for College members on how to best approach this in their practice.
- Appointed Stephanie Mawhirt, DO, FACAAI and Nicole Chase, MD, FACAAI to represent the College in the AMA Women Physician’s Section as Associate and Alternate Associate respectively.
- Appointed Chris Foster, MD and Deepa Patadia, MD as the College’s Primary and Alternate Delegate respectively to the AMA Young Physician’s Section.
- Requested the Asthma Committee to develop recommendations that can be provided to insurance carriers proposing they consider making formulary changes to allow for the use of “Smart Therapy” in the management of chronic asthma.
- Appointed Dana Wallace, MD, FACAAI to serve as the College’s Historian/Archives Committee chair effective immediately.
- Appointed William Dolen, MD, FACAAI to serve as the Archives Committee vice chair effective immediately.
- Ratified the decision to waive the 2023 Annual Meeting registration fee for the eight members who participate in the College’s Aug. 15, 2023, employed allergists focus group.
- Ratified the President’s decision to approve the proposed budget for the 2024 Joint Board Certification Review Course as submitted by the AAAAI.
- Accepted the final audited Financial Statements for the period ending 12/31/22.
- Ratified the EMD’s decision to provide Linda Cullison with the College’s 2023 Executive Medical Director Award.
- Removed the composition exception for the Accreditation & Certification Committee, limiting its size to the standard ten members who can serve two consecutive, two-year terms.
- Established a Social Media Subcommittee under the Public Relations Committee.
- Approved the applications submitted by the Credentials Committee for Fellowship, Promotion to Fellowship, Member, Allied Health, Fellow-in-Training and Resident/Medical Student Membership.
- Approved the Credentials Committee recommendations for Retired and Emeritus Status for the named Fellows and Members.
- Approved the Education Council’s recommendation to nominate Gerald B. Lee, MD, FACAAI for the ACAAI 2023 Education Council Award.
- Approved John J. Oppenheimer, MD, FACAAI as the 2023 presenter of the Edward J. O’Connell Named Lecture.
- Approved the draft program for the ACAAI 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting.
- Extended the term of Jay Lieberman, MD, FACAAI, as an ACAAI representative to the Joint Task Force on Practice Parameters through June 30, 2028.
- Nominated Marcella Aquino, MD, FACAAI and Christopher Chang, MD, PhD, MBA to serve 6-year terms on the ACGME Review Committee for Allergy and Immunology beginning July 1, 2024.
- Nominated Gabriel Mendoza, MD to serve a 2-year term as a Resident Member on the ACGME Review Committee for Allergy and Immunology beginning July 1, 2024.
- Accepted the resignation of Mark Corbett, MD, FACAAI from the College Board and left the “Immediate Past President” position on the Board of Regents vacant through Nov. 11, 2023.
- Appointed Luz Fonacier, MD, FACAAI to serve a second term as “Past Immediate Past President” on the Board of Regents from Nov. 12, 2023, through Oct. 27, 2024 as a result of Dr. Mark Corbett’s resignation.
- Appointed Luz Fonacier, MD, FACAAI to serve as chair of the International Committee beginning immediately and continuing until Nov. 11, 2023.
- Appointed Michael Blaiss, MD, FACAAI as chair of the College’s Nominating Council from Nov. 12, 2023 through Oct. 27, 2024.
- Declined the proposed development of a joint ACAAI/WAO Congress in 2025.
- Adjusted the Annual Meeting Committee composition exception as presented.
- Approved the preliminary 2024-2026 Vision Forward plan as presented, with the understanding that a final plan and associated budget for the proposed 2024 activities will be submitted for review/approval at the November BOR Meeting.
- Accepted the Advocacy Council’s recommendations for nominations to the Advocacy Council Board which include Travis Miller, MD, FACAAI – Chair; J. Wesley Sublett, MD, FACAAI – Vice Chair; and Directors – Nicole Chase, MD, FACAAI, Amar Dixit, MD, FACAAI, and Melinda Rathkopf, MD, FACAAI. Their terms will begin November 2023 and conclude November 2025.
- Approved the Advocacy Council’s recommendations to include Alnoor A. Malick, MD, FACAAI and M. Razi Rafeeq, MD, FACAAI as non-voting “Guests” of the Board from November 2023 – November 2025.
- Approved the draft program and budget for the 2024 North American Pediatric Allergy and Asthma Conference “Advances in Pediatric Allergy” (NAPAAC) as presented.
- Approved the following slate of Officers and Regents for election at the 2023 Annual Business Meeting:
- James Tracy, DO, FACAAI, President-elect; Cherie Zachary, MD, FACAAI – Vice President; Kelly Maples, MD, FACAAI, Treasurer; Aikaterini Anagnostou, MD, PhD, FACAAI, Regent; Brian Kelly, MD, FACAAI, Regent; Mervat Nassef, MD, FACAAI, Regent.
- Invited David Stukus, MD, FACAAI to deliver the Bela Schick Lecture at the 2023 Annual Meeting.
- Decided to honor David Engler, MD, FACAAI and David Golden, MD, FACAAI with the Distinguished Fellow Award; Stephen Durham, MD with the International Distinguished Fellow Award; and Bryan Martin, DO, FACAAI, Mary Carol Badat, MAdEd and Greg Lund with the Distinguished Service Award; and Aikaterini Anagnostou, MD, PhD, FACAAI with the Woman in Allergy Award at the 2023 Annual Business Meeting.
- Approved the recommendation of the Gold Headed Cane Award Committee and Executive Committee to feature Gary N. Gross, MD, FACAAI, John Oppenheimer, MD, FACAAI and Myron J. Zitt, MD, FACAAI on the 2023 Gold Headed Cane Award Ballot.
- Approved the recommendation of the Gold Headed Cane Award Committee to provide future Gold Headed Cane Award recipients with a commercially produced cane that’s engraved with the College’s name.
- Approved the development of a paid methodologist position for the Joint Task Force on Practice Parameters and appointing Derek Chu, MD, PhD as the methodologist beginning Jan. 1, 2024 through Dec. 31, 2028.
- Appointed Jay Lieberman, MD, FACAAI as the College’s representative to the GA2LEN ANACare workgroup to update the definition for Anaphylaxis and allocated funding in the 2024 budget to support his travel to the Sept. 14-15, 2024, GA2LEN ANACare meeting in Padua, Italy.
- Approved the revised definition for “Asthma Clinical Remission on Treatment” as proposed by the joint ACAAI/AAAAI/AAP/ATS workgroup.
- Requested the ACAAI, AAAAI, ATS and AAP Workgroup’s “Definition of Clinical Remission in Asthma on Treatment” be submitted to Annals for right of first refusal as an open-access article and encourage the other societies involved in its development to publish an editorial referencing the original article in their respective journals.