New leadership will guide the College’s House of Delegates (HOD) this year. The Speaker of the House, M. Razi Rafeeq, MD, FACAAI, and Vice Speaker Andrej Petrov, MD, FACAAI, began their new officer positions at the Town Hall meeting that was held during the 2021 ACAAI Annual Scientific Meeting. J. Wesley Sublett, MD, MPH, FACAAI, was also elected as the HOD’s Recording Secretary. Dr. Wes Sublett previously held the position of Super-delegate for the Southeast Region.
Annual Town Hall meeting
During the most recent Annual Town Hall Meeting, AMA Immediate Past President Dr. Susan Bailey presented “Physician Leadership in Shaping the Post-COVID Health System” which was very well received. In addition, the HOD hosted a pro-con discussion on using telehealth in your practice, which explored numerous issues surrounding telemedicine, including pending legislation.
The HOD is developing a first-class program for the 2022 annual Town Hall meeting that will take place on Friday, Nov. 11 from 4:30 – 6:00 pm in Louisville, KY. We hope to see you there!
Regional town hall meetings
Super-delegates led regional town hall meetings across the country in 2021 and plan to do so again this year. These regional town hall meetings are held virtually and give practicing allergists an opportunity to join in discussions on issues affecting their area. Topics discussed in 2021 included the continuation of payment parity and audio-only coverage for telehealth services, vaccine hesitancy, personal protective equipment, COVID loans – repayment and loan forgiveness, and more.
We’re setting up dates for 2022! The West Coast Region Town Hall will take place on March 3 from 6:00 – 7:00 pm PT and the New England Regional Town Hall is scheduled for May 19 from 6:30 – 7:30 pm ET. Meeting dates for the other regions are pending. Watch your email for more information and make plans to joins the calls.
HOD structure
The HOD supports the College and its members by tracking and sharing legislative information that affects allergists across the country. Within the HOD’s structure, there are six regions and each is led by a Super-delegate. The HOD is currently looking for a Super-delegate in the Southeast Region. Learn more and complete an application for the opportunity to join the College’s Super-delegates.
The College wants to ensure its members voices at the local, state and regional level are heard. To that end, the HOD is also looking for interested members to serve as a state delegate in select states to round out our allergy network. Any College member can apply. A State Delegate job description explains more about the position. You can apply to be considered for this position by completing an application.
Super-delegate and state delegate applications are being accepted through Feb. 28.