As the calendar page has turned to September, our thoughts at the College are filled with visions of our upcoming Annual Scientific Meeting, November 9-13 in Anaheim.
At this time of year, College education committees and staff are hyper-focused on final details to deliver the highest quality educational meeting that our members have come to love and expect. I’m pleased to report that our 2023 planned sessions and abstracts are not only exciting, but they truly reflect the theme of “Embracing the Evolution of Patient Care” by delivering the latest knowledge and research on a wide range of clinical topics impacting the practice of allergy and immunology.
We also are planning an array of social and networking events that are sure to make you smile, in addition to terrific scientific and clinical meeting content! I look forward to greeting everyone at Friday evening’s Welcome Reception in the beautiful outdoor Grand Plaza at the Anaheim Convention Center, where we promise a truly Californian experience to kick off our annual meeting.
In Anaheim, I look forward to launching the Community Allergists Partnership in Education Program® (CAPE) for those members who might enjoy teaching future generations of physicians, including those who may become allergists-immunologists, within the settings of their practices.
In parallel with planning for our annual meeting, we have been working on new College products, programs and definitions – all to aid and enhance the work of our members in caring for patients. Here are a few highlights:
- Published Consensus of an ACAAI, AAAAI, and ATS Workgroup on Definition of Clinical Remission in Asthma in Annals late last week. This paper helps to define clinical remission of asthma on treatment. The College identified the need for this working definition and convened the expert working group.
- Conducted the first Employed Allergists Focus Group in August, resulting in new and illuminating insights that will continue to be explored so the College can provide enhanced information and support for our employed allergists.
- Added a Social Media Subcommittee under our Public Relations Committee, which will help the College amplify our important work and messaging, as well as advising on the types of content that best resonates with our audience.
- Monitored and responded to numerous government activities, including MIPS changes, Medicare cuts, drug price negotiations, air quality issues and more.
- Provided an engaging webinar about physician salary and contract review, with valuable tips on this important topic for allergists at all career stages. This webinar is archived on the College Learning Connection, in case you missed it.
You can stay updated on all of the College’s activities by continuing to read College Insider each week and our print publication, College Advantage, three times a year. Also check out College news on our home page, — and while you’re there, discover a treasure trove of additional content by clicking on Publications.
I look forward to seeing many of you in Anaheim. Until then, have a happy and healthy Fall season!