
Participate in the COVID-19 Vaccine Allergy Case Registry

| March 10, 2021

Participate in the COVID-19 Vaccine Allergy Case Registry

Consider submitting cases to the COVID-19 Vaccine Allergy Case Registry. Spearheaded by Massachusetts General Hospital, this is a community-wide effort to collect and share case reports on COVID-19 vaccine hypersensitivity reactions. The case report form collects deidentified information of potential cases of severe hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylaxis, delayed large local reactions and interesting cases that health care professionals are observing across the country. The case report form is designed as a secure online survey that can be saved and completed at your own pace. It will take approximately 10 to 20 minutes to complete. Anyone who submits cases should feel free to contact them to work together to analyze and publish findings.
