The Joint Task Force on Practice Parameters (JTFPP) is currently accepting nominations for one ACAAI position with a term beginning in July 2025.
The JTFPP was formed in 1989 to develop practice parameters and clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and management of allergic and immunologic diseases. Members of the JTFPP represent the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI) and the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI).
The JTFPP is composed of six representatives each from ACAAI and AAAAI, with additional workgroup members from across North America. Members contribute to evidence-based guidelines for severe asthma, urticaria, allergen immunotherapy, inborn errors of immunity, vaccine allergy, food allergy, anaphylaxis, rhinitis, diagnostic testing, sinusitis, and other areas of allergy/immunology practice.
JTFPP members must be board certified, have a command of allergy/immunology literature, and clinical experience in practice. Experience in guideline development, a record of publication, prior experience on a JTFPP workgroup, advanced skills in statistical analysis, and an understanding of GRADE, guideline development, shared decision-making, policy, and value-based care are preferred.
Candidates must work well within teams, should be able to devote several hours per week to JTFPP work (which may include a weekly evening conference call and time as a member or chair of a work group), and be available to attend in-person meetings annually. While this is not a compensated position, the work is incredibly collegial, rewarding, and fulfilling.
Nominations for the available ACAAI position are currently being accepted. The initial term will begin in July 2025 and end in June 2030. Nominated individuals for this position must be ACAAI members in good standing. The nominee must be willing to serve two consecutive 5-year terms (if selected and pending approval by the ACAAI Board of Regents). The nomination period closes July 15, 2024.
To submit a JTFPP nomination, please send the following documentation to
- A cover letter from the nominee indicating their motivation, interest, and willingness to serve if selected, and indicating any qualifications, skills, or previous experiences.
- A Current Curriculum Vitae.
- One letter of support from a Fellow of the ACAAI.