The College is pleased to announce that J. Allen Meadows, MD, FACAAI, has been named the recipient of the 2023 AMPAC Award for Political Participation. AMPAC is the bipartisan political action committee of the American Medical Association. The AMPAC Award for Political Participation is given every two years and recognizes an AMA or AMA Alliance member for outstanding accomplishment through volunteer activities in a political campaign or a significant health care related election issue, such as a ballot initiative or referendum. Dr. Meadows will receive the award at the AMA’s Annual Meeting in June.
Dr. Meadows was ACAAI president in 2019- 2020 and is currently the Associate Executive Director for Advocacy and Governmental Affairs. He has worked tirelessly for decades on behalf of allergists to advocate for numerous national political, administrative and insurance related issues. Dr. Meadows was instrumental in incorporating the Joint Council of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology into ACAAI when it was at risk of disbanding. Now known as the College’s Advocacy Council, the group keeps practicing allergists abreast of critical issues, assists in resolving complex payment disputes, monitors and lobbies state and federal legislation, and represents the profession before payers, managed care and government agencies.
Dr. Meadows has been influential in the ACAAI’s Allergy Strike Force – bringing College members and leadership to Washington, DC annually. They meet with key decision-makers on Capitol Hill and meet with their U.S. Congressional members to advocate for allergy, allergists, and patients.
On a personal level, Dr. Meadows was active in his wife’s election and re-election campaigns for Alabama House District 74. He has worked closely with his local school board, mayoral, governorship, constitutional officers, judges, state house seats and Congressional elections as an active organizer, fundraiser and adviser.
“I do not consider my political activities special or extraordinary in any way; many of my fellow citizens who love their country do the same,” said Dr. Meadows. “Unfortunately, I may be somewhat unique among physicians in my political activism, but I consider it my civic duty to ensure future generations inherit a nation that was better than the one left to me by my forefathers. I am honored and humbled that my friends at the College think that I was worthy of this honor.”
Over the years, the AMA has become a strong partner of the College in many areas. As a sub-specialty, our numbers are small, but when combined with the AMA, together our voices are loud and clear.
The College is a member of the AMA’s HOD – a piece of the partnership allowing us to advocate with that bigger voice – for issues important to allergy. One of the criteria to remain a part of AMA’s HOD is that at least 20% of College members must also hold AMA membership. Keep our voice strong – join or renew your AMA membership today!