
Congratulations to our award winners

| November 7, 2022

Congratulations to our award winners

The College is pleased to announce the recipients of our 2022 awards. The Gold Headed Cane Award will be presented during the Annual Meeting Opening Ceremony. Other honorees will be recognized at the Annual Business Meeting on Sunday, Nov. 13.

Gold Headed Cane
ACAAI President Dr. Mark Corbett will present the Gold Headed Cane Award to James L. Sublett, MD, FACAAI of Louisville, KY for demonstrating the highest standards of scientific excellence and integrity. Dr. Sublett is co-founder and chief medical officer of Family Allergy & Asthma. He has served as executive director of advocacy and government relations for the Advocacy Council for the past six years and was ACAAI president in 2014-2015.

Distinguished Fellow
This award is given in recognition of outstanding contributions and commitment in the United States or Canada on behalf of the specialty of allergy. This year’s Distinguished Fellow Awards are presented to David I. Bernstein, MD, FACAAI of Cincinnati, OH and William Silvers, MD, Emeritus Fellow of Denver, CO.

International Distinguished Fellow
This award is given in recognition of outstanding contributions and commitment on behalf of allergy in the recipient’s respective country. The recipient of this year’s International Distinguished Fellow Award is M. Antonella Muraro, MD, PhD of Padova, Italy.

Distinguished Service Award
This award is given in recognition of tireless efforts, dedication and enthusiasm on behalf of the College. This year’s Distinguished Service Awards are presented to Bill Finerfrock, of Washington, DC; John Seyerle, MD, FACAAI of Cincinnati, OH; and Lelia Sublett of Anchorage, KY.

Woman in Allergy Award
This award honors an individual who has advanced the role of women in medicine or made a significant contribution to the specialty. The recipient of this year’s award is Vivian P. Hernandez-Trujillo, MD, FACAAI of Miami Lakes, FL.

Executive Medical Director Award
The recipient of this award is selected by the College’s Executive Medical Director. The College honors Katerina Barcal, MPH, ACAAI Director of Administration, for this award for her continued hard work, dedication and loyalty over the years.

Clemens von Pirquet Awards
The Alliance of the College is pleased to present Clemens von Pirquet Awards to three Fellows-in-Training for their outstanding meeting abstracts. First place – Kelly K. Boyd, MD, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. Second place – Prudhvi Regula, MD, Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY. Third place – Michael D’Netto, MD, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN.

During the Business meeting, we’ll also recognize the winners of the Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology’s new Fellow-in-Training Awards along with the recipients of 2022 Community Grant Awards from the Allergists’ Foundation.
