
Board exam study resources

| July 18, 2023

Board exam study resources

The College is here to help as you prepare for Boards. Check out these resources:

The Board Review Corner has practice questions and interactive quizzes to help you study. New questions and quizzes are posted monthly, and previous years’ questions are available as well. Review questions are developed by members of the FIT committee.

The Allergy & Immunology Medicine Self-assessment (AIM) Volume Two is a tool to assist with board prep or for CME. It is designed to help allergy/immunology providers obtain new knowledge, as well as reaffirm existing knowledge. It also helps allergists/immunologists evaluate and maintain their clinical competence. This volume contains more than 120 case-based questions with comprehensive, evidence-based explanations and supporting references for all answer options.

Interested in more resources? See our extensive list and visit the College’s Board Review section on the College Learning Connection.
