The College recommends that anyone who prepares extracts complies with USP Chapter <797>, Section 21 standards. We have partnered with Valiteq and Lab Safety Corporation to provide College members with a comprehensive and affordable one-stop solution to meeting USP <797> compliance requirements for in-office allergen extract mixing on an annual basis.
Participating members will receive USP-compliant testing supplies (gloved fingertip-thumb sampling agar plates & media fill kits) and complete laboratory incubation and confidential reporting analysis – at a 15% discount.

AllerTEQ A1CDI – For Initial Verification. Contains one USP compliant media-fill kit and six agar plates – enough for the three initial gloved fingertip-thumb sampling tests required for each “mixer.” It also includes laboratory incubation of your test samples and confidential reporting analysis. College Member Price: $170 plus shipping (Retail price: $200+).
AllerTEQ A1CDR – For Renewal Verification (required each year following initial verification). Contains one USP compliant media-fill kit and two agar plates – enough for one renewal gloved fingertip-thumb sampling test. It also includes laboratory incubation of your test samples and confidential reporting analysis. College Member Price: $153 plus shipping. (Retail – $180+).
Materials include detailed instructions for use and are shipped in a temperature-controlled cooler to ensure product stability.
Approximately three weeks after receipt of your test submissions, Valiteq will send you a detailed report with an analysis of your incubation results. This report will serve as your documentation of USP compliance. Providers of failed tests will be notified immediately.
To order your complete USP <797> kits, contact Valiteq via email or by phone at 715-822-4747 or toll free at 800-433-7698.
For more information about this one-stop-shop solution as well as the full range of ACAAI resources for allergen extract mixing, be sure to check out the College’s Allergen Extract Mixing Toolkit