Did you complete the most recent ABAI Continuous Assessment Program (CAP) cycle? Were you able to read all of the key articles in the program? If not, AllergyWatch has you covered.
The latest issue of AllergyWatch reviews all of the articles in a concise and efficient manner to get you the information you need. The print version will cover most articles, but the online version will look at every ABAI CAP article. Log in to the ACAAI member website to view it.
Several highlights of this issue include information on the gut microbiome and wheeze frequency, the importance of anti-drug antibodies for biologics in asthma, vaccination in patients treated with biologics, and updates on gene therapy for SCID.
AllergyWatch is one of the most popular College member benefits. It is your source for a synopsis of A/I literature and a review of major medical journals. Read the latest issue of AllergyWatch to get the answers to important clinical questions based on the latest research. Past issues are available on the College’s member website.
Don’t forget to listen to our AllergyTalk podcasts that discuss key articles in AllergyWatch. Find AllergyWatch wherever you listen to podcasts.