
Addressing Cannabis use with patients

| February 26, 2024

Addressing Cannabis use with patients

The College’s new Cannabis Educational Modules educate allergists about cannabis use in patients, the rising concern of cannabis allergy, and ways to effectively discuss cannabis with their patients – and they provide CME.

The six CME modules cover:

  1. Cannabis 101
  2. Benefits and Adverse Effects
  3. Allergic Sensitization
  4. AAN Attitudes Study
  5. International Attitudes Study
  6. Talking to Patients

Anil Nanda, MD, FACAAI and his team developed the modules as part of a project funded through The Allergists’ Foundation Community Grant Program in 2021 to address knowledge gaps related to cannabis. The project included a survey that revealed 75% of surveyed allergists were only somewhat knowledgeable about the respiratory effects and possible allergic reactions to cannabis. The study also found that nearly 25% of the surveyed allergists indicated they never ask their patients about cannabis use. The modules aim to close some of the knowledge gaps surrounding cannabis and its use. The educational modules are available in the College Learning Center at no charge.
