
ACAAI joins Threads

| July 17, 2023

ACAAI joins Threads

You’ve no doubt heard about Threads, the new social media platform that is garnering plenty of attention. The College has added Threads to the many social media communities where members and the public can find us.

The College posts regularly on Twitter and Facebook, as well as on LinkedIn, Pinterest and Instagram. Threads is part of the Meta family of platforms, and its audience comes directly from Instagram. So if you already follow the College on Instagram, you can easily join our Threads community. Both can be found at allergy_acaai.

The College uses social media to expand our reach worldwide. Our posts cover allergy/immunology topics of interest to the public. We also post content of specific interest to College members, such as membership benefits, educational products, upcoming events, and advocacy issues.

Check out all of our social media feeds – access them easily via the icons at the bottom of the College’s member website at With the addition of this latest destination, we look forward to growing the conversation.
