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The March Annals issue focuses on medical education
Read the full articleThe theme of this month’s Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology is medical education. No matter how many years it has been since you graduated from your allergy fellowship, I encourage you to read the insightful reviews in the March issue. There are discussions…
Helping the people of Ukraine
Read the full articleThe leaders of the College understand that our members are eager to find ways to help and support the people of Ukraine who are suffering as a result of the invasion of their country. There are numerous established and well-known charities that are…
Advocacy Council pushes to extend sequester moratorium
Read the full articleSince 2020, the 2% Medicare sequester moratorium has been in effect – and we are urging Congress to continue it through the end of the public health emergency (PHE). Without Congressional intervention, beginning April 1, there will be a 1% reduction in Medicare sequester…
Managing staffing issues
Read the full articleStaffing issues have challenged allergy practices during the past year, and they continue to top the list of concerns for medical practices as they approach 2022. According to a recent MGMA Stat poll, close to three in four medical practices rank staffing as their…
The Allergy Fellow From Kyiv
Read the full articleI returned last week from the AAAAI meeting in Phoenix. It was terrific to be able to attend live after two years of cancellations and virtual only. You don’t really know how much you miss live meetings and interacting with your allergy colleagues…
Alliance Member
Read the full articleThe Alliance is a component organization of the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology whose members are spouses of… The Alliance is a component organization of the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology whose members are spouses of College members. We foster friendships,…
Fly me to the moon
Read the full articleIf you’re a fan of the smooth sounds of Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin, you won’t want to miss the… If you’re a fan of the smooth sounds of Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin, you won’t want to miss the Annual Fundraiser event at this…
A note about PRE-PEN® production delay
Read the full articleMarch 4, 2022 In response to member questions about production delays for PRE-PEN®, the product manufacturer, ALK, has reported… March 4, 2022 In response to member questions about production delays for PRE-PEN®, the product manufacturer, ALK, has reported that the delay is expected…
Dealing with Modifier -25 denials for office visits and skin testing
Read the full articleThe Advocacy Council regularly receives queries from members on how to correctly code specific scenarios. Recently we received a request for coding an office visit the same day as skin testing. Many third-party payers insist that skin tests are a part of an…
Work with your patients on CRSwNP treatment options
Read the full articleTreating Chronic Rhinosinusitis with Nasal Polyps (CRSwNP) can be complicated, and it may be challenging for patients to decide on a treatment option. The College’s new CRSwNP Toolkit provides answers to commonly asked questions, and provides resources that allergists can use with patients…
Three things you can do to increase referrals from NPs and PAs
Read the full articleDuring my year as ACCAI president, one of my goals is to promote the value of allergists’ expertise to other health care professionals. When their patients’ asthma and allergy symptoms are persistent, HCPs can be assured that a referral to a two- to three…
We're looking for the next EMD
Read the full articleThe College is looking for someone with drive, commitment and expertise to help lead the College as Executive Medical Director (EMD). If you’re a former president or have served on the College’s Executive Committee (of the Board of Regents), consider applying for…
Get involved in the College
Read the full articleAre you interested in contributing to the work of the College and advancing the specialty? Join a committee and get involved! Apply Now! …
Social media posts to promote the value of an allergist
Read the full articlePromote the value of an allergist to NPs and PAs Help spread the word to primary care NPs and PAs about the value of an allergist. Use our ready-made posts or create your own to share on social media. Four different images are…
Subscribe to UpToDate
Read the full articleWe’ve partnered with UpToDate® to provide ACAAI members with special member savings! UpToDate is the evidence-based, physician-authored resource that physicians… We’ve partnered with UpToDate® to provide ACAAI members with special member savings! UpToDate is the evidence-based, physician-authored resource that physicians and medical students trust around…
Take our membership survey to help shape the College’s future
Read the full articleAs a valued member of the ACAAI community, we want to be sure you are provided with all the information and resources you need to excel in your practice. The College has contracted with The Harris Poll to gather important insights on how well…
The Allergy Practice Assessment Quiz is here!
Read the full articleHow often do you assess your overall practice operations to determine if you have opportunities for improvement? Monthly, annually, every 2+ years – or never? Whatever your answer, the College has good news for you! We have a new tool that makes assessing your…
Join the HOD’s allergy advocacy network
Read the full articleThe College’s House of Delegates is ready to amplify allergists’ voices – are you ready to join us? We have multiple openings for you to join the National Allergy Advocacy Network – step up now! State Delegate The success of our HOD depends on…
Improve well-being, staff retention and revenue
Read the full articleWhat if you found a way to improve the efficiency of your practice, reduce your workload, and even grow revenue, as well as increase your satisfaction and improve employee retention? It’s all possible by designing your practice team to work at the top…
Policy on Cooperative Programs With Industry
Read the full articleRecognizing the indispensable role of health care companies in disease and injury prevention and treatment, the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immun…
Advocacy Council Board of Directors
Read the full articleThe Advocacy Council assists in resolving complex payment disputes, monitors and lobbies elected officials and government agencies, and more.
Sample Page
Read the full articleLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. In tellus integer feugiat scelerisq…
Scientific Fellow
Read the full articleFor scientists of high moral, ethical and professional standing who have made meritorious contributions to the field of allergy/immunology. Apply Now…